Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) was established in 1962 and today represents more than 750 companies, where some of them are worldwide known enterprises, operating in all regional economic sectors like Industry, Services, Tourism, Research & Innovation, Commerce, and Shipping.  The Chamber’s mission is to defend the interests of the Limassol business community and promote the economic development and sustainable growth in the Limassol city and district. From its very inception LCCI has played a leading role in the economic life of Limassol, either by operating as a pressure group towards the realisation of vitally important economic projects or by developing concrete initiatives of its own in that direction.

The Chamber has played an instrumental role in the pursuit of projects fundamentally important for the economic and social development of Limassol and Cyprus. Such infrastructure projects include among others road projects, Industrial Parks, the Limassol port and the Kourris Dam which is the larger dam in Cyprus, as well as a series of tourist infrastructure projects including the Limassol marina, conference centre and many others. It was also the Limassol Chamber that conceived and implemented, since 1960s, the idea of the Wine Festival, which has come today to be associated with the modern history of Limassol as an event of commercial, tourist and cultural interest.

Over the years the Limassol Chamber has continued to be at the forefront of initiatives aiming to achieve optimum economic development for Limassol. In that context it is actively involved in promoting Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and was the driving force behind the development of strategic projects such as the Cyprus University of Technology operating since 2007 and the Cyprus Science Technology Park which commence construction in 2015, both located in Limassol. The LCCI developed through the years an excellent communication mechanism with the business community and this is a crucial aspect for the successful implantation of the project and the best access to the companies.

LCCI is interested in developing partnerships for bidding in grant opportunities in the framework of EU programs and initiatives in line with the Chamber main sectors of expertise and activities as well as possible future development fields for the benefit of the organisation, its members and the regional business community. The Chamber has established experience in participating in National and European projects and is carrying the appropriate knowledge for the needs of the project.


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