Marine Institute of Ireland

The Marine Institute (MI) is the state agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. The MI provides scientific and technical advice to Government to help inform policy and to support the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource.

The Marine Institute’s primary areas of activity include Fisheries & Ecosystems, Marine Environment, Fish Health, Seafood Safety, Aquaculture, Seabed Mapping, Oceanography, Shipping, Maritime & Ports,Strategies & Directives, and Education & Outreach.  As well as providing essential scientific advice and marine environmental monitoring services, it also works to stimulate Irish marine research and to promote national and international collaboration.

In addition to this the Marine Institute, on behalf of the Irish Government coordinated and delivered Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth – An Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland and the National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy for Ireland 2017 – 2021.

The Marine Institute’s Ocean Science & Information Services team is involved in WP2 of the MaRITeC-X project.  They will provide knowledge transfer and long-term strategy planning and lead Task 2.2 to develop a Roadmap to Research and Innovation Excellence that will be aligned with the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Cyprus.  The MI will also provide input into the Feasibility Study (WP3) and Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement (WP4).


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